How to Have the Ultimate Self-Care Day at Home

Feeling a little drained lately? We know what you need - a self-care day! Self-care is essential, especially in light of the pandemic.
It is necessary to be able to take care of yourself, from your physical and emotional health to your mental health and well-being. Let us prioritize ourselves once in a while and pamper ourselves when we know we need and deserve it.
Here’s a guide on how to have the ultimate self-care day at home. From the moment you wake up to the time you sleep, give yourself a day (or two) to relax and rejuvenate.
Wake up, say a prayer, and make your bed
What is great about the morning? Waking up to a whole new day of possibilities. Start it right with a prayer of gratitude, and make your bed right after.
Take a relaxing warm bath
Nothing is more soothing than a warm bath, especially if you can relax in a tub. A warm bath will not only relax your muscles, it could also elevate your mood.
Eat whatever makes you happy
Allow yourself some cheat days every now and then. Indulge in your favorites like chocolates and cookies, perhaps?
Do some yoga
Check out free yoga tutorials on YouTube. Yoga promotes deep relaxation and calm breathing, everything you need for your self-care day at home.
Journal, doodle, or write anything
Get creative. If you like to journal, it is the perfect time to share your thoughts, write a gratitude list, and plan more self-care moments. If you love to doodle, go for it! Anything that allows you to be creative is always a good thing.
Turn your phone on silent mode and forget about work for today. Try not to go on social media as it usually crowds your headspace and serves as mindless distraction. You will be surprised at how refreshing it feels to unplug for a bit.
Watch your go-to or favorite movie
That one movie you never get sick of? Watch it. Enjoy the scenes and be in the moment. If you don’t have one, watch a movie that you have been dying to watch but never had the time.
Place a face mask
Put on a face mask and allow it to soothe your skin and your mind. Close your eyes and enjoy the moment!
Do nothing
Sometimes, all we need is a little peace and stillness. Before you sleep, just lay down and relax. You can think or not even think of a single thing at all. Let yourself fall asleep naturally and at your own time.
Do not forget to treat yourself with self-care days. If you don’t have a full day to spare, at least give yourself some self-care moments within the day. It will make you feel better and more motivated. That’s a promise!