Face Mask 101

What is something you cannot leave home without? Two years ago, you would probably say your phone or keys. Today, no one can leave their homes without a face mask. It has become the accessory of choice and reason, providing us with function and protection.
EIKA.PH is here to answer frequently asked questions about the face mask as it is important to always be well-informed for yourself and others around you.
What is the best face mask to wear?
Your face mask should fit snugly on your face. Choose one with multiple layers to help ensure that your respiratory droplets stay inside, while those of othersâ remain outside. You may layer a disposable mask under a cloth mask, both of which should fit snugly to your face, or use a cloth mask with multiple layers. There are also K95 face masks that serve as a filtering respirator facepiece. This type of face mask is highly effective but should be reserved for our health frontliners.
Washable Neoprene Face Mask v1 (Multipack)
How to wear your face mask?
When wearing your face mask, there should be no gaps. To ensure this, choose a face mask with a nose wire then cup your hands on its outer edges for a tight fit. The face mask should cover your nose and mouth at all times. Another option is to wear a mask fitter or brace to help tighten the fit. If you are using the 3-ply face mask, you can knot the earloop for a better fit.
How to store your face mask?
When your face mask gets dirty, place it inside a sealed plastic bag and wash it as soon as possible. If you have a clean face mask, store it in a dry paper bag or mesh bag. Note: Always keep the same side facing out when reusing a mask and sanitize before and after wearing your face mask.
How to launder and dry your face mask?
You may only wash cloth masks. Disposable face masks should be thrown after one use. Wash your face mask once it gets dirty, which is every day. Keep more than one face mask with you, as it comes in handy when the other gets dirty. Wash your face mask by hand with water and laundry detergent. Rinse thoroughly before drying. You may use a dryer or better yet, air dry by hanging the mask in direct sunlight.
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Other tips?
Wash your hands or sanitize often, especially when you are outside. Avoid wearing wet or dirty face masks and counterfeit K95 masks. Always stay 6 feet away from others and maintain social distancing at all times outside. Respect the people around you, especially workers risking their health every day. Most importantly, stay home and stay safe!
Words by Kathleen Luna (@kayelunaaa)