5 Ways To Kiss Your Worries Away

We are in the middle of a pandemic. We are still on lockdown. If you get anxious every now and then, it’s perfectly normal. Yes, it is okay not to be okay!
Of course, we’d like to be okay more often than we’re not. So here, we’re letting you in on how to kiss your worries away!
#1 Take care of your body.
All this talk of death and sickness could easily get on your nerves. You might even start to think that you’re sick of one thing or another or that you’re bound to test Covid positive anytime soon. So now, more than ever, take care of your body. Opt for healthy, well-balanced meals. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. You already know you need to do these, but it could be challenging when you’ve it’s so easy to order pizza, so easy to watch one K-Drama series after another, and so easy to sleep the day away. Don’t! Your body is your temple, take care of it.
#2 Take a break from social media.
Some of the triggers to your anxiety are but a click away. Did you just read another homage to someone who succumbed to Covid-19? Did you catch the news about how other countries are opening up, allowing music and sports events with the proper safety protocols? Are you seeing your friends and acquaintances getting vaccinated one by one but you still have not heard from your local government? Whether you like it or not, some or all of these things could cause you worry. Do yourself a favor. Turn off your notifications and read a book.
#3 Make time to connect with friends.
It’s been more than a year since you’ve seen your friends in person. However, this doesn’t mean you couldn’t see them virtually. Staying connected with your loved ones is important at this time. They will not only make you feel less lonely, they may also help you process everything that’s been going on.
#4 Make time for routines and rituals.
When one day just tumbles onto the next, it’s easy to lose your sense of time. How about making routines and rituals which you follow every day? For instance, you might want to practice meditation in the morning, take a nap in the afternoon, and go for a walk in the early evening. Rituals and routines give your day a semblance of structure and something to look forward to every day.
#5 Make time for gratitude.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, there is always something to be grateful for. Practicing gratitude acknowledges all the goodness in your life, and reminds you that you are loved!
Words by Kathleen Luna